*R!* Madera Shape for BC Centaur - LL default female body

At SL Marketplace!

*Shape to be used with Breeder's Choice Centaur.
*10 chest sizes: 1%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%.
*Default ears are tiny in size so you can wear mesh/sculpted ears.
*Works with Bryn - Flamboyant Sweets - Skins.

--->In this product, you will find:
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 1% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 10% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 20% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 30% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 40% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 50% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 60% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 70% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 80% chest (LL default av)
- Madera BC Centaur Shape // 90% chest (LL default av)

--->These shapes will only work with the Breeder's Choice Centaur avatar.

--->These shapes have really small ears so you can hide the LL default ears and use mesh/sculpted ears in place.

--->The shapes were created while I was wearing the Flamboyant Sweets Bryn Skins, which you can find here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bryn-Flamboyant-Sweets-Femboy-Trans-SkinAll-Tones-DEMO/6576542
But the shapes work with other skins too.

The shapes work with the LL default avatar, but you can wear rigged mesh attachments, such as mesh hands and mesh breasts.

--->Shapes were created by me, Rezeict Jecies.

(Why Madera? Because Madera is the name of my centaur character that you see in the picture :3)