*R!* Recolorable Eyes for ONA Snaggletooth Kobold

At SL Marketplace!

--->In this product, you will find:
- *R!* L Eye -Snaggletooth Kobold
- *R!* R Eye -Snaggletooth Kobold
- *R!* Eye Shading & Lighting -Snaggletooth Kobold
- Eye Color HUD

--->The included eye parts works with Orange Nova Snaggletooth Kobold avatar, which you can find here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Orange-Nova-Snaggletooth-Kobold/7326289

--->How to use the Eye Color HUD: wear the HUD > select either the eye iris or the eye sclera > use the color picker or the color palette to select the color you want for the iris or sclera.
Click to pick a color from either the swash above or the palette below. Save your favorite colors to the palette below by clicking and holding a button for 3 seconds. To enter a color numerically, edit the color on any of the palette buttons using the SL edit tools

--->In shape editing, DO NOT change the head size. Keep the head size to 100%.

--->If you want a custom colored texture, send me an IM and/or a notecard.

// Rezeict Jecies

Scripts by Tapple Gao (Tavatar Recoloring HUD)