*R!* Winter Arm Warmers for Kemono [solids]

★New product: *R!* Winter Arm Warmers for Kemono [solids] v1.0

*ReZ !t* Winter Arm Warmers for Kemono [solids] are rigged mesh gloves for <UTILIZATOR> Kemono and optionally for *R!* Plump Arms Add-ons for Kemono! They are perfect for Christmas and winter! The arm warmers are also compatible with . : Starbright : . Fitted Kemono Torso, :glutz: kemono beans and [BI] Kemono Chibi Hands. Includes a Texture HUD with 18 solid main colors, 9 belt colors and option to hide/show the belt. Materials (normal and specular) are enabled.

Permissions: modify/copy (mesh), copy (scripts and HUD). Due to the scripts being no mod, the object's properties might wrongly state that the mesh is also no mod, but the mesh is still modifiable.

L$120 at *ReZ !t* Second Life Inworld Store!
L$125 on Second Life Marketplace!
Demo is available!