Creepy Pumpkins | .Gacha Guild. { THE HALLOWS 2018 } is open!

The gacha event { THE HALLOWS 2018 } is officially open! \o/ The theme is S.C.P!

Here is the link to the event:

Unfortunately, you might not be able to enter right away, because the sim is full most of the times, but worry not, because the event will be up the entire month of October~

You can also try off-sim shopping here:

The photo above shows some prizes from the *R!* Pumpklops Gacha that I created for this event. It’s the *R!* 07 Pumpklops - red and the *R!* 11 Pumpklops - spiky candy corn! They are blinking cyclops pumpkins, which are animated unrigged mesh that you can use as home decoration, avatar accessory or even as your own head! All 14 prizes are common! During the event, it will cost only L$30 per play! 1 play = 1 random pumpklops ★

Check out the shopping guide to view all the new gachas:

Attention D-Class Personnel: Your next destination is Lunar Site - 32, an SCP Containment facility that not only houses some of the most dangerous anomalous entities, but some of the finest “out of this world” creations. We welcome you to our compound this Halloween season to see these specimens and take some home with you!